Evan Kris
May 19, 2023
How will Atelier Jolie develop?
American film star Angelina Jolie announced on her personal Instagram the launch of a new fashion business, Atelier Jolie, which aims to "democratize the fashion industry" and help clothing manufacturers realize slow-moving inventory online and reuse of second-hand materials.
According to reports, "Atelier Jolie is a place where creative people and professional tailors, patternmakers, and craftsmen from all over the world have the opportunity to work together." This idea stems from her "appreciation and respect for the long-term cooperative tailors and manufacturers around her."
She hopes to take advantage of the high-quality vintage materials and slow-moving fabrics available and to develop more self-expression by being a part of the movement.
Jolie wrote on the official website, "We want to create a community of ideas and inspiration, regardless of socioeconomic background. We will focus on those who make a difference in creation, bring together a diverse team, accept refugees, and work with talented but underappreciated groups, offering jobs based on skills." The project will offer apprenticeships and media outreach to support these ideas.
A statement on the company's website emphasizes diversity.
Atelier Jolie hopes to "help share their rich cultural heritage and drive their own business forward," and customers will be able to mend or recycle old clothes from their closets, which will become a new form of avoiding waste.
"We can collect and admire other people's designs and be inspired by them," Jolie said. But the highest form of self-expression, and she believes the most fun, is creating for ourselves.
She noted, "Everyone can create. Why do we covet designer brands? Why simply buy someone else’s designs when we can choose to create ourselves?" She hopes the project will help us express ourselves.
Jolie has always been committed to humanitarian and human rights issues. She has worked with UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency, for over two decades and served as Special Envoy from 2012 until December 2022. She previously won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for the 1999 film Girl, Interrupted.
No further details have been released about this new project. When Jolie stepped down as UN envoy in December, she said it was time to "take a different way of working" and engage directly with refugees and local organizations.